Immortal Imagination

Immortal Imagination
What Can Be Imagined ~ Can Be Done

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Party and Gifts ...

Party and Gifts …

@Dawn_Matheson: The love of a friend turned family…. - She came into our lives like a whirl wind. We …

A Slide Show of Gifts and Goodies:

A Special Gift From Lestat and May

From my Daughter @Elfie33

@Lady_Celeste1 Mom, sorry I’m late for your birthday. Hope you & Papa @Bastiaan_C enjoy. Love you bunches Happy Happy Birthday!!!

@Lady_Celeste1 @Bastiaan_C *whispers* the lady comes with the chair to do massages.. for a day. *grins* *adjusts halo*

@Elfie33 *sends more* {Will she understand about us being vampires?} *laughs and sends lots of love and oodles of hugs* @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 [[yep she knows, I made sure, *grins* Love you too..miss you bunches. sends back tons of love,hugs, smoochies @Bastiaan_C

@Elfie33 *Sends you lots of love and tight tight hugs* {Miss you very much.} @Lady_Celeste1

@Bastiaan_C {{ Miss you too Papa *hugs and kisses* @Lady_Celeste1}}

A dance with Dark Beauty (Lady_Celeste):

@Bastiaan_C *Sets my drink down, walks over. Smile forms. Holds my hand out to @Lady_Caleste1 as the music starts. * -

listening to Bolero by Ravel on @Grooveshark: #nowplaying 

@Lady_Celeste1 Yes . *Pulling you to me. * Your favorite I believe?

@TrentSandalius_ *smiles up at you* I believe you are correct. *letting you lead us into the dance* @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 *Taking from my days in private school. Doing what comes natural, hand around your waist leading you.*

@TrentSandalius_ *one hand on your shoulder the other in your hand, leaning into you. perfect steps, taking in your scent while we dance*

@Lady_Celeste1 *Fighting to keep the proper distance for the dance. Giving in slightly, pulling you closer to me, our hips meet. -
@Lady_Celeste1 as we move around the floor. Speed builds on the spins. Looking down into your eyes, smile*

@TrentSandalius_ *laughing happily* You dance marvelously darling. *moving in perfect time with the music, not one step missed*

@Lady_Celeste1 *Steps to accent the beat of the music. Slight twists* Thank you beauty. *smiles*
@Lady_Caleste1 *Slows as the music does , finishes with a gentle kiss* Thank you for the dance. @Bastiaan_C

@TrentSandalius_ *sends my excitement from this night and our dance to you* I believe we should dance more often, oui?} @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 I would love that. *Kisses your hand, looks up. Longing* @Bastiaan_C

@TrentSandalius_ *nods as the music ends* I look forward to it darling. *a soft caress, whispered words for you alone* @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 *Leans into your caress, nods. Smiles* @Bastiaan_C

The night ended on:

@Lady_Celeste1: A song I’ve come to love very much.. @TrentSandalius_ and @Bastiaan_C You two coming? *dances off* ♫

At least for Twitters Eyes it ended…

Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

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