Immortal Imagination

Immortal Imagination
What Can Be Imagined ~ Can Be Done

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Moment of Watching . . .

I enter our bedroom and lean against the door frame, watching you sleep. I can see the barely visible rise and fall of your chest. I hear the sounds of your soft sighs and wonder if you are dreaming of me, of us. It has been a long time since I stood like this… watching. Slowly, my hand moves to unbutton the blouse I had put on hours before. I chuckle as the memory of Tammy’s thought comes to my mind of how she hated to hug me for fear she would “muss” me. How wonderful it is to have her here and yet, this moment is not about that. This moment is about me, about you and about us. Quietly, I slip the blouse from my shoulders and let it slide to the floor. Soft silk, almost soundless on the carpet as it pools at my feet. You move, ever so slightly and I wait to see if you will open your eyes to me or continue to sleep. Moment’s pass in which you settle once more, I continue undressing, soundlessly, effortlessly and un-noticed, the zipper, one tooth at a time as it comes down slowly. The skirt joins the blouse and I step away from them both and into the room, just a few more feet, nothing more. Watching…

Effortlessly I step from my heels and stand beside the bed. I can see your face in the shadows cast from the room. Pale but beautiful in rest, your cheek bones carved as if by a sculptor. Your full lips I have felt thousands of times on my own and my fingers, without thought, reach to touch mine. I can almost feel your kiss on them and cannot help the smile that forms. My eyes follow the line from your mouth to your chest and the same fingers that touched my lips now reach out to touch where my eyes have traveled. But… not yet.

Pulling back I raise my leg on the chair that holds your clothes. The very ones you wore hours before and laid maliciously there before retiring. Without thought, my hands make quick work of the snaps on my garter and roll the silk stocking down to my feet. Pulling one then the other free and lay them to rest upon your shirt. The combination alone is arousing to me. The rest of my clothes are nothing but a memory as I inch closer to you, lying on the bed. Lower still my eyes travel to the silk sheet that rests low over your hips. Even in sleep I can see a desire, a hunger in you and I long to wake you. To fulfill the desire that is now calling to me.

So with a whispered word.. For your ears only.. “Amour”… I slide into the bed next to you. Your arms automatically open to me and I am in them without even a hair between us. Your eyes come open to mine and I am lost… It is a lost that love has found… an eternity to play out. For that, I am blessed and close the door on the world outside….


Posted via email from His Mio Bella Celeste

Friday, October 1, 2010

Maison dé Deux Coeurs - Master Bedroom

The Arrival of Our Vehicles and Bas's Bambini's

From Bastiaan and I ...


The incoming messages from the Transportation Companies Bastiaan hired to pick up and deliver our vehicles and ‘his’ Bambini’s are coming in. Soon, everything will be here including our daughter Robin and Lizzie with the Estates horses. I can not begin to explain the elation I feel at everything that has transpired in such a few short months. 

From the news that Ken and Claire became engaged, then eloped to our visit with Dawn and Chris that has now turned into this permanent venture, my heart and soul feel complete. The other evening we received a gift from Richard in regards to allowing Trent to become our wolf. My bond with him started almost a year ago and now includes Bastiaan as well. The three of us have bonded in such a special way that we only needed Richard’s understanding to make it complete. *smiles lovingly* That we received 2 nights ago. 

Pour tout ce que le monde croit que cette âme d’être maudit et sombre, je peux vous dire ceci. Mon âme est remplie de la lumière de l’amour, les amis et la famille que je ne savait jamais existé dans ma vie comme un mortel. Je suis au-delà des mots pour parler ou écrire à une telle bénédiction que remplir mon immortalité.

To each and every one of you, Friends and Family: Thank you for all your love and support. 

Je t’aime. Vous êtes ma lumière, mon amour et mon monde … Celeste


Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

Welcome To Our New Home

Welcome To Our New Home:

This is just a preview of our new home in various stages.

More photos still to come.

Thank You, Bastiaan Castello & Celeste dé Morte


Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

Another Blessing Received...

(exerts from the blessing Trent, Bastiaan and I received)

*listens intently* @TrentPack_ing @Richard_TheWolf@Bastiaan_C

Blessing given…

On my way home from Florida Monday night the opportunity to speak with my Ulfric , Richard , presented it’s self. I took a deep cleansing breath and asked…

@Richard_TheWolf (Coughs) Hey boss.

@TrentPack_ing Trent. *nods*

@Richard_TheWolf When you have a moment need to speak with you .

@TrentPack_ing I have a minute. Go ahead.

@Richard_TheWolf Thank you. @Lady_Caleste1 and @Basitaan_C have asked me to be their wolf. It is something I very much want. There is a -

@Richard_TheWolf bond , connection there that has developed over time. My Ulfric and Pack will always come first. But your blessing in this-

@Richard_TheWolf would mean everything to me. (deep breath) @Lady_Caleste1 @Basitaan_C

@TrentPack_ing *shakes my head and mumbles under my breath about vampires taking all my wolves* Yeah, I guess if…. *voice trails off, >

@TrentPack_ing *stops mid-sentence, realizing that I should be supportive of my wolves choices* Yes, Trent. *grins slightly* I will >

@TrentPack_ing support your decision to be with @Lady_Celeste1 and @Bastiaan_C. Glad you found someone, or someone’s that make you happy.

@Richard_TheWolf Thank you boss. Oh and @Rayna_Brockwill be coming and will be here 2 weeks. Her request is in already. Thank you.(smiles)

The connection with Bastiaan and Celeste was open wide for this conversation and I’m glad it was. I could feel their support clearly. 

I have my Ulfric’s blessing in this venture. Very happy Trent.


@Bastiaan_C * stands holding your hand ready to answer any questions from @Richard_TheWolf * @TrentPack_ing

Our Request to Richard ... 

@Richard_TheWolf *clears throat, nods respectfully* Richard, if I may speak please? @TrentPack_ing @Bastiaan_C

@Richard_TheWolf ... @Bastiaan_C and I have settled into the city by permission of @JC_MasterofCity and in > @TrentPack_ing@Bastiaan_C

@Richard_TheWolf turn for that permission to reside here we have pledged our loyalty to him and the City of > @Bastiaan_C@TrentPack_ing

@Richard_TheWolf St. Louis. Said loyalty is extended of course to you as Ulfric of the Pack and also to > @TrentPack_ing@Bastiaan_C

@Richard_TheWolf ... @MicahPardKing and the Pard. If you are in need of our services you have only to call > @Bastiaan_C@TrentPack_ing

@Richard_TheWolf on us. *nods respectfully once more* Thank you for allowing me to speak. @Bastiaan_C @TrentPack_ing


Richard's answer...

@Lady_Celeste1 That is much appreciated, Celeste. *grins sincerely* Treat @TrentPack_ing well. (@Bastiaan_C)


@Richard_TheWolf *smiles, bows deeply hand over heart* Consider it done, Richard. Thank you once again. @TrentPack_ing@Bastiaan_C  //  //


Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

The Party and Gifts ...

Party and Gifts …

@Dawn_Matheson: The love of a friend turned family…. - She came into our lives like a whirl wind. We …

A Slide Show of Gifts and Goodies:

A Special Gift From Lestat and May

From my Daughter @Elfie33

@Lady_Celeste1 Mom, sorry I’m late for your birthday. Hope you & Papa @Bastiaan_C enjoy. Love you bunches Happy Happy Birthday!!!

@Lady_Celeste1 @Bastiaan_C *whispers* the lady comes with the chair to do massages.. for a day. *grins* *adjusts halo*

@Elfie33 *sends more* {Will she understand about us being vampires?} *laughs and sends lots of love and oodles of hugs* @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 [[yep she knows, I made sure, *grins* Love you too..miss you bunches. sends back tons of love,hugs, smoochies @Bastiaan_C

@Elfie33 *Sends you lots of love and tight tight hugs* {Miss you very much.} @Lady_Celeste1

@Bastiaan_C {{ Miss you too Papa *hugs and kisses* @Lady_Celeste1}}

A dance with Dark Beauty (Lady_Celeste):

@Bastiaan_C *Sets my drink down, walks over. Smile forms. Holds my hand out to @Lady_Caleste1 as the music starts. * -

listening to Bolero by Ravel on @Grooveshark: #nowplaying 

@Lady_Celeste1 Yes . *Pulling you to me. * Your favorite I believe?

@TrentSandalius_ *smiles up at you* I believe you are correct. *letting you lead us into the dance* @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 *Taking from my days in private school. Doing what comes natural, hand around your waist leading you.*

@TrentSandalius_ *one hand on your shoulder the other in your hand, leaning into you. perfect steps, taking in your scent while we dance*

@Lady_Celeste1 *Fighting to keep the proper distance for the dance. Giving in slightly, pulling you closer to me, our hips meet. -
@Lady_Celeste1 as we move around the floor. Speed builds on the spins. Looking down into your eyes, smile*

@TrentSandalius_ *laughing happily* You dance marvelously darling. *moving in perfect time with the music, not one step missed*

@Lady_Celeste1 *Steps to accent the beat of the music. Slight twists* Thank you beauty. *smiles*
@Lady_Caleste1 *Slows as the music does , finishes with a gentle kiss* Thank you for the dance. @Bastiaan_C

@TrentSandalius_ *sends my excitement from this night and our dance to you* I believe we should dance more often, oui?} @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 I would love that. *Kisses your hand, looks up. Longing* @Bastiaan_C

@TrentSandalius_ *nods as the music ends* I look forward to it darling. *a soft caress, whispered words for you alone* @Bastiaan_C

@Lady_Celeste1 *Leans into your caress, nods. Smiles* @Bastiaan_C

The night ended on:

@Lady_Celeste1: A song I’ve come to love very much.. @TrentSandalius_ and @Bastiaan_C You two coming? *dances off* ♫

At least for Twitters Eyes it ended…

Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

Bastiaan and I … A Home Together

Bastiaan and I … A Home Together.

How do I describe this past weekend? What words do I use that haven’t already been said, written or used to detail an event that will forever be locked in my heart, mind, body and soul? Maybe I just did but the weekend was magical for me. Being in St. Louis has given Bastiaan and I a sense of ‘home’ that we have never had before, together. Our  Estate in Shreveport is beautiful, to say the least. We have raised many loving and wonderful children there and it has been a haven to many over the last year or more. We simply love it and it will always be there. We have no intentions of selling it or abandoning it. But… it was a home not built by us together. The Shreveport Estate belonged to me before I met him and and the one he purchased in Monroe was given up by him to be with me in mine. Over recent months we have traveled around quite a bit. New York, St. Louis, Florida, Paris, Italy and London. One City has rolling into the next, one Country to another until we find ourselves spending less and less time in Shreveport.

With that being said, we find ourselves now centering on St. Louis more and more. The Estate Jean-Claude has gratiously given us permission to have built here is almost complete. Our excitement builds hourly for the time when we will walk through the doors together and call it HOME. Recently we have been entertaining and discussing the desire to move here permanently. So many of our extended family are here that our hearts have naturally settled over this beautiful City of JC’s and began beating a constant thump of longing to be here full time.

I can see the smile on Bastiaan’s face as he speaks with the contractors, vendors and building permit offices, settleling details, making sure everything is perfect for that day when it is complete. Dawn’s heart-felt offer for Bastiaan to be a God-Father to her and Chris’ unborn child has given him a new light shining from his soul. Young in human years, his Vampire years span over 900 and family was a new concept for him last year when we met. As it has grown, so has his love and craving to belong. Family, it is everything.

As he walks toward me, hanging up from yet another call to make sure all is in order, his nod to me and the smile on his face tells me all I need to know in order to take the next step. I will be drafting a request this night to @JC_MasterofCity asking for his permission to move here, permanently. Loyalty will be extended to him and his City, whether it be in words or an official ceremony.

St. Louis. A home. A family. Together

Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

An Amazing Gift


Aosoth   Our Gift for Lady Celeste’s Birthday… - Happy Birthday darling friend and sister. A small token of our love…

Lestat_L   @Lady_Celeste1 It is in the town across from us and it is scentless. You will need to do something about that yourselves. @Bastiaan_C

Lady_Celeste1   @Aosoth *walks over to you. deep breath* May. You are the best friend, the best sister.. the best.. > @Lestat_L@Bastiaan_C

Lady_Celeste1  @Aosoth … You are simply the BEST! I love you! *hugs you close* @Lestat_L @Bastiaan_C

Lady_Celeste1   @Lestat_L *listens then.. again in your arms speaking* If not for you, I would not be standing here. You’ve saved me > @Aosoth @Bastiaan_C

Lady_Celeste1   @Lestat_L many times over. Through many hard times, my love for you has never wavered. I love you so much. @Aosoth @Bastiaan_C

Bastiaan_C   @Aosoth @Lestat_L This is… well i am lost for words *Nods* I will make sure that is taken care of. Grazie *Hugs you both* @Lady_Celeste1

Lestat_L   @Bastiaan_C -Hugs you smiling- It is our pleasure mon ami. @Lady_Celeste1 @Aosoth

Aosoth   @Bastiaan_C *hugs tight* You are most welcome. @Lady_Celeste1 @Lestat_L

Aosoth   @Lady_Celeste1 *nods & smiles* I love you too. Happy Birthday & you want to know what is the best part of that Villa? @Bastiaan_C @Lestat_L

Aosoth   @Lady_Celeste1 *grins* No one knows the address. Not even us. We just know it’s near Cote de Azur. So its your own hidea way. @Bastiaan_C

Lady_Celeste1   @Aosoth *bright smile* I can’t imagine a place no one knows about. Thank You *looks over @Bastiaan_C* Just us amour. No one else @Lestat_L

Lestat_L   @Lady_Celeste1 -Hugs you tight to me- Non ma belle, you have saved me in more ways than you know. Joyeux anniversaire. @Aosoth @Bastiaan_C

Lady_Celeste1   @Lestat_L *soft smile, hand to you cheek* Thank you. Truly. @Aosoth @Bastiaan_C

Lestat_L   @Bastiaan_C -Smiles- We are on the other side, it offers the privacy you may not find anywhere else. -Chuckles- @Lady_Celeste1 @Aosoth

Bastiaan_C   @Lady_Celeste1 *Chuckles* I can think of plenty to do Bella. *Sends an intimate touch{And for many days and nights *purring*}

Lady_Celeste1   @Bastiaan_C *sends* {I am at a loss for words amour. I can not begin to imagine the hours we can spend there. Just us}

Aosoth   @Lady_Celeste1 if U need to meet anyone there U can use the other Villa where we met, the address & keys are in there @Bastiaan_C @Lestat_L

Lestat_L   @Bastiaan_C Oui, the keys and codes are in the envelope, May insisted we have a neutral meeting place when there. -Chuckles- @Lady_Celeste1

Aosoth   @Lady_Celeste1 @Bastiaan_C @Lestat_L Now you can all say the demon has sung & she is hungry so someone needs to feed me or cook *grins

And such was the night… It truly was a magical, amazing and wonderful Birthday. Family… It is everything. 


Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

When Did It Start

When Did It Start

When did it all start? *sighs* That is not something I can say. One night, across my line of vision, he was just there. His essence called to me. His smile, his look, the way he spoke my name, called to me. Perhaps, like Paul Sawyer and my unusual friendship with him, it was the same. *shaking my head* Non, not really the same as I do not find myself sexual attracted to Paul. We have a bond built from a single goal reached months ago. Trent on the other hand, and I do not. It wasn’t forged over a need to find the man responsible for hurting a loved one, or physically having to heal one of mine. It is more than that. The time has come for me to make myself think about what it is. Force myself to comes to terms with my feelings for Trent. The time is drawing near that we will no longer be happy with our passion in mere dreams or astro-projected visits. I have tasted his blood… *head back, eyes closed at the memory and taste of it on my tongue. the fire that filled my veins as his blood coursed from him into me… sighs. focusing once again* I can explain my reaction to the taste of Trent’s blood but it is not a pretty tale nor will it make me out a heroine. In fact, you may look differently upon me after you read it but, it is what makes up the vampire you see today. So if you feel you want to know more, continue reading….

Centuries ago, while hunting with Santiago in the woods, a terrible mis-justice was done to one of Trent and Paul’s kind. At the time, in Europe, were-wolves were the stuff of legends.. or so we thought, until that fateful night. Santiago and I killed a man, a were-wolf, in a blood lust that was beyond comparison to anything we had ever felt and remains the same to this day. This man was twice as strong as any ‘normal’ human, only raising Santiago’s ire and challenging him further until the blood flowed like a crimson river across the leaves that lay on the ground. Unable to withstand the scent I too joined in the merciless killing. It wasn’t until the body lay mangled and torn apart that we both realized what this being was. *stopping now to calm myself from the memory* His body laid in an unusual angle but it was more the look of him past the torn flesh that caused Santiago and I too panic. This man.. this unusally strong being laid at our feet half man, half wolf. In the fight for his survival he had tried to shift to save his life. Against two hungry, blood crazed vampires, it did him no good. We had killed him, together. 

Now, centuries later I find that I am friends.. non, family to just such beings. They accept me into their lives, their homes and their own families without fear of the vampire or the jaguar that make up my existence. Would they still if they knew what I had done? Yes Santiago was there but he has a life in Europe still while I reside in the United States and mix with the same beings that I once killed in a night that changed my existence forever. 

Of course, this is not what attracks me to Trent or allows my friendship with Paul to flouish. Non, this is something very different from then. It is time, as I said, for me to force the true reason up from my consciencesness and examine it in detail. What happened then remains a regret that I carry in the back of my mind when I visit with Paul and Isabella but it does not keep me from my desire and longing to touch and be with Trent. 

*standing up and closing the computer for now I move about the room..restless, feeling her call and rise to the surface… Gia… calling me to go out into the night… whispering Trents name* … Oui, it is time. 


Posted via email from His Bella Celeste


Invisible Connection

What is this magical bond we share?
Au milieu du cirque constante comme avalanche de mots,
Comment saviez-vous?
Une fois que vous avez stable et sûr,
Il est plus vieux, encore fiancée à votre rêve,
Fidèle à l’incertitude,
Un désir d’être libre esprit.
Ses paroles subtiles se loger dans votre pensée.
Pourquoi avez-vous choisi cet inconnu
With a hunger that you can not see?

A young woman’s hair kisses the breeze,
Sa dignité cache la distance dans son regard.
Est-il possible qu’un simple sourire innocent radieux,
Ou un verset fous un heureux hasard,
Pourrait apporter deux personnes si différentes
Là où nous nous trouvons aujourd’hui?
Strangers une fois à notre propre vie,
A l’aise avec la profondeur de notre propre vide,
How unlikely it is that we are here

It’s quiet tonight, light raindrops filter through the leaves
Laver la poussière, libérant des parfums
Sur la douce brise qui adoucit
Le genre de soirée que vous souhaitez vous étiez avec celui que vous aimez
Niché près de la cheminée
En regardant la lune dans le canard et des nuages de coton blanc
Caressant et en se tenant par doucement
Breath silently quivering collect;

Once locked away behind iron clad doors,
Sentiments et émotions remuer,
Déguisé par des couches de la douleur et la ruine
Deux cœurs réveiller.
Une douce, aimante, sachant baiser;
Bound together forever.

Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

Friday, August 27, 2010

Bastiaan di Castello & Celeste dé Morte

Originally posted at:

Celeste & Bastiaan have been a bonded pair for almost a year now.

On August 22, 2009 Celeste met Bastiaan while helping Aosoth sell her house in Monroe. Their chemistry together sparked from that very first meeting.

Talks of roses ensued, followed by a late night car shopping frenzy just to see her again and then came the first kiss amongst the roses and a phone call that would seal their fates. A call just to hear her as she slept; the nights they didn’t speak all seemed torturously long and those in which they did seemed to end so quickly.

Then on On September 18th, 2009 Bastiaan spied her jaguar, startled at first he left her home only to soon realize he didn’t care he just loved Celeste no matter what other she also was. After returning to her home and almost knocking down her front door he had her again and on September 20th, 2009 they blood bonded and she made his dead heart beat again.

Since then, many loving nights have passed; they have seen their adoptive family grow and are currently raising a little prince, Regalien Royal, an English Mastiff pup.

On May 25th, 2010 he finally asked her to marry him and she happily accepted. This same night two very appreciative parents gifted the pair with a jaguar mate for Celeste’s own. Aosoth in turn decreed her parents’ one night gift to be a permanent side of  Bastiaan’s immortal life.

Now mated, bonded and engaged, the entire coven waits with bated breath for the moment we all joyously celebrate this mortal tradition.

Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

Thursday, August 19, 2010

When True Healing Begins

I entered the gardens but stopped short within the first few feet. I felt it immediately. The familiar “pang” I felt last night upon meeting him. Gazing briefly at the roses my eyes finally landing on him, there. 

Harley Masters, the man who had been hired by Lestat and Aosoth to submit a bid for and oversee repairs to their home. We won’t tell that tale right at the moment but save it for another time. (snickers)

He was staring at the beauty that surrounded him. The fragrance was sweet in the air, the roses in such bloom they begged to be touched, crying out for my hand, as they always did when I was among them. This night, my attention was elsewhere. It was not on the blood that ran in this man’s veins or the sins he MIGHT have committed in his short mortal life, but focused on his anguish. His sense of loss could have wilted the strongest of flowers had it not been for it being directed inward. Only I, a Vampire, or one like me could have possibly withstood the great burden he bared. It staggered me and I have stood in the face of such anguish for many centuries.

I stepped closer to this man, not to intrude but to observe more and to take in the emotions he was sending through the air around us. Of course, he wasn’t aware yet of my presence or that he was as an open book for me too read. I preferred to stay among the shadows for now and watch. Over 6 feet he stood, muscular in build, sexy of course and oh so broken. It wasn't something seen by the naked eye but a broken that had been carefully mended, albeit haphazardly, to continue on with a life that had been destined for two and then suddenly cut short to be only for the one. He was gazing at a particular rose. Fascinated by its beauty and transfixed on its color and fragrance. It was a most excellent rose indeed, a prize winning rose... but I am sure that is not what he saw. 

I spoke his name to get his attention, to give him the few moments needed to lock the walls into place that allowed him to face the day to day living he had continued on with after her passing. How did I know his pain emanated from such an event? The answer came easy to me. The only beauty to compare to a rose would be the beauty of a woman. A woman one loves with their whole being and can see nothing in their world unless it is presented through the eyes of that one, true love. Such was the story that over the next hour would unfold.

He and I danced, metaphorically speaking, for several minutes. We spoke of the night, of the gardens and how beautiful it all was. It was a perfect waltz performed by us both and went on until I had the answers I sought from the tone in his voice reverberating around me.

*touching one of the tender petals on a perfectly formed rose* You know Mr. Masters. Roses sometimes need a bit of coaxing before they open up to show themselves, their true selves, to the world. It is much like that with us all, non?

(Listening thinking of Layla) Yes they do.

It is my belief that roses have tender 'hearts' and though their blooms only last for a season, their memory lives on for long after they have closed themselves away and given up to the colder weathers of fall and winter. *looking over at you probing just a bit. your memories there but clouded, sheltered. walking slightly away* You see her here, in the roses.

It was a statement presented to him, not a question asked.

(Head shooting up, shocked how did you know) Yes I do.

She is here. Where you are she will always be, non?

(Nodding yes) I have always felt her with me.

As it should be with the ones we love. Whether here or gone from us their light is always shining.

And finally he spoke that one pivotal question that would turn this night around.

The pain does it ever truly subside?

Pain is immortal, much like Bastiaan and I. It stretches out before you and can be immobilizing.

I know I may never be totally rid of the pain. I have come to grips with that. I don't know. I see Layla in the roses, will I ever see another?

*slight chuckle* I left my crystal ball in my other skirt but to see her here is wonderful, a memory always. You have to allow yourself to see more. Look at that beautiful Sunset Rose there. See it? If you concentrate on its detail and look no further then you will miss the ones to the left and right of it. Much is the same with ones who have passed on.

And so it went that he shared with me his Layla, his heart. Through his eyes I gleaned a beautiful woman with red hair and a splash of freckles across her face, her laughter was like music and he was the audience she played for. His words brought the roses to attention and I watched in fascination as he spoke when one, a perfectly formed February Scarlet all but reached out to touch his shoulder. I gave no mention of such a thing as he went on to explain how he had lost her that fateful day. A day so full of promises that even the great writers of tragedy could not have written so horrific an ending. As he described the events and spoke of the glass that littered the ground where his heart now lay, I watched as this one single rose now shrunk back into formation with the rest, so moved by his words as was I.

The pain of his loss hit me deeply as I remembered the one I too had lost but from there came words of healing and comfort and ones I live by today…

*reaching out tentatively to grasp your hand in mine* I am truly sorry for your pain. *sends the healing from me to you the other reaching out to wipe your tears* Mr. Masters. In those last words all that needed to be said, was. Remember her; hold her memory in your soul. It houses memories of those who have passed before us. Your heart *reaching a hand out to rest it there* is for the living and those who we shall meet along the way. No one is forgotten. I believe that. 

True healing begins when one is ready. This night both man and wolf agreed, it was time to let the wound close and together they could move on. I asked him to walk with me awhile, talk with me and he accepted with a smile. It was no surprise as we turned to walk away from where we had been sitting, that his attention momentarily focused on that one Scarlet February rose and I could not help but smile as I glanced back briefly to see ‘her’ reach out to him once more. 

*to see Harley's exert of the conversation, please click the link*


Posted via email from His Bella Celeste

Monday, June 21, 2010

Another OOC message: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Most of you by now have heard me talk about my wacky OOC life. Seems as though living in the wilds of Colorado raising kids and animals is part and parcel of being a Vampire for Twitter. But...

Every once in a while, something hits hard enough to crash into OOC/IC and I just have to comment here. My son Nick... 16 - handsome, hard working already, teenage attitude 30 year old brain. Rough start in life, rougher still in his pre-teen years and just now getting use to life as it moves past him at the speed of sound. Until...

Nick lost a very special friend to cancer. She was his age and taken from this world way too soon. My son... Nick - loves art as I do, loves to write as do I. He wrote this for his friend and I wanted to share it with all of you.

When OOC meet IC - I'm glad I have you, my friends: 

Nick Keith (wrote)

From the i love you man, to the i love you baby girl, to the late night talks on the phone, to i love you princess, to your my everything, to barely talking, to goodbye, to... Dead. Though we said goodbye we still could check up on each other, but now your gone & we can't do that. Remember that tattoo we were going to get? I'm still gonna for you. "The guardian angel of my heart" A.E.A.B i'll miss you...

Please leave a comment for Nick if you'd like or send one to me. Life I is hard enough when your older and have to tools to deal with such pain. Harder for those who are still trying to adjust. 

Thank you for reading.

Love Always ~ Celeste

Posted via web from His Bella Celeste

Another OOC message: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Most of you by now have heard me talk about my wacky OOC life. Seems as though living in the wilds of Colorado raising kids and animals is part and parcel of being a Vampire for Twitter. But...

Every once in a while, something hits hard enough to crash into OOC/IC and I just have to comment here. My son Nick... 16 - handsome, hard working already, teenage attitude 30 year old brain. Rough start in life, rougher still in his pre-teen years and just now getting use to life as it moves past him at the speed of sound. Until...

Nick lost a very special friend to cancer. She was his age and taken from this world way too soon. My son... Nick - loves art as I do, loves to write as do I. He wrote this for his friend and I wanted to share it with all of you.

When OOC meet IC - I'm glad I have you, my friends: 

Nick Keith (wrote)

From the i love you man, to the i love you baby girl, to the late night talks on the phone, to i love you princess, to your my everything, to barely talking, to goodbye, to... Dead. Though we said goodbye we still could check up on each other, but now your gone & we can't do that. Remember that tattoo we were going to get? I'm still gonna for you. "The guardian angel of my heart" A.E.A.B i'll miss you...

Please leave a comment for Nick if you'd like or send one to me. Life I is hard enough when your older and have to tools to deal with such pain. Harder for those who are still trying to adjust. 

Thank you for reading.

Love Always ~ Celeste

Posted via web from His Bella Celeste

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Letter To My Daughter

My dearest darling daughter, Bree:

As I sit here trying to put pen to paper, my heart is filled with many emotions. I know that I should be, and to some degree am, happy for you and Jason. After all, a Mother is supposed to be supportive, understanding and above all, full of love. I hope I am and have been all those things. But, at this moment, words cannot express the shock that went through me last eve as I read the words being posted and what they meant and would mean from that moment forward. I know, had your Father known what was to come he would have moved heaven and earth, concurred the very depths of Hell even to be with me as those words sank in and took hold of my soul.

You and I have spoken often of the love we have for our men. How blessed we are to have them in our lives, both ooc and rp. For me, nothing could be more truthful than those times when I confessed my love for him to you. He is my world, Bree; the light in the darkness of which I live. The stars in my night’s sky when I look up and am feeling lost, his is the brightest one, burning the way home to his loving arms. For there I find peace, comfort and so many things, it’s hard to put down on paper. I say these things to you now to let you know this….

Because of what Bastiaan means to me, I release you into Jason’s loving arms. May you find all those beautiful things in him that I have found in your Father. May his protection be there for you in times of danger, fear of the unknown and just the simple times when reaching out is all you can do. Let his hand be always first in yours and his strength yours to build from. When the time comes that two shall be more, let that strength billow out much like that of the rays from the sun, shining bright enough to guide you should you ever need to find your way back home.

Bree, we will always be here for you. To say we will be here for you both is not the words I need to speak right now, for that you already know. My son has a wandering heart and has found his soul mate to wander the ends of the Earth with. A Mother could not ask for more than that. Just know that for YOU, we will always be here. Our arms will forever be open to you. Our hearts will beat for you and we will always be, just a heartbeat away.

We love you Daughter. I love you, Daughter MINE. Be happy, stay healthy and love deep. For in the depths of a soul, “Love Will Always Find A Way”

Penned this 21st day of May in the year 2010 ~

Setting the pen down, as the tears flow freely. A heart filled with so many things left to say and no words left to say them with … for now.

Posted via web from His Bella Celeste

Friday, April 2, 2010

"The Devil You Know"


The Devil You Know” …

<chuckles> Non, it is not Lestat de Lioncourt, though he could pass for and does indeed call himself one. Non, he is not the Devil. For the Devil is but a man… A man you say? <as you gasp in horror> Nothing but a man, I say.

A man made of flesh and blood, muscles, tendons and bone… though the blood in him is ice cold and would give Hades a run for its money in heating costs alone.

Non, the Devil is but a simple man, yet he thinks himself complicated and cunning, prides himself on his daring and even rewards himself when he feels he’s done a good job, yet he is still, just a man. One who walks this earth, lives and breath’s the air you breathe. Take note my friends, he breaths not my air for I am of the undead. This Devil is among you, the living. He stalks your streets, lives in your towns and cities, works in your businesses and eats at the same tables in nearby restaurants that you take your children to. Scared yet? Non? You should be or at least you will by the time I’m through telling my tale.

Curious, you are? Admit it. You want to know whom it is that dares to live among you, interact with you and possibly know your children. Keep reading, ma infants, for I shall soon get to the part where you gasp in horror and run, locking your doors and shivering in your beds at night for fear that He will come for you.

Like the wind in the night, he creeps through your doors, windows and the very cracks of your world. Stealthy and unseen, he steps into your safe homes while you are asleep but doesn’t touch you. Not yet, anyway. He takes note of this and then stealing small things you’ll never miss and plans his next move – all while you lay sleeping, visions of sugarplums dancing in your heads. <snickers> Ah… the things we remember from childhood, non? You tell your children Fairy Tale stories and pass on tradition after tradition, but did you know, Fairly Tales are not for the faint of heart, at least, not this one.

Now then, where was I in the telling of this story? …. Ah, “The Devil You Know” right.

Once in your homes he knows all there is to know about you and yours. He’s been through everything you keep sacred, all that you hold dear. He know your habits, your friends, the car you drive, the people you speak to and he even knows how much you owe on your house, cars and credit cards. Really, when you think about it, it’s not that difficult, after all, “The Devil Is In The Details.” Have you never stopped to consider why such sayings include a Being such as He? Humans, always surrounding yourselves with the things you think you must have. When in reality, it is those things that let others know all about you. Most times you needn’t worry of your secrets getting out but once in a while, “The Devil Will Get His Due.”

Like the bills that come your way, yours becomes due but with this one comes no warning, no pay by date or even second notice. He’s seen to it that he knows your every move, stalked and calculated every part of your existence. He knows the details as if they were his own and when the rent comes due, he is there to collect. Be it at your work, your home, the grocery store you shop at or the pharmacy down the way, he’ll pick his collection day, time, place and hour. Every detail thought out, every preparation made, he will come. He’s confident in his well strategic moves, the haves and have nots of what he will and will not do. He is focused, nothing deters him and if by some chance, someone or something gets in his way, he removes the obstacle in question as if it were no more than a piece of lint he brushes from his coat.

<head back, soaking up the tale and reveling in the sound of the words as they leave my lips. Such evil deserves a death of …. >

What? Did you think I would be appalled by such a beast, this predator of humanity? Non not I. You see ma infants, I too am a predator. I too stalk the night and lie in wait for you and yours to appear at the precise time and place chosen. But… Unlike me, He takes whatever he wants. Men, woman, children and even infants, nothing stops him. There is no rule he has that can not be broken by him and him alone. I too could be as he but I have evolved with the world as it has changed around me. I no longer kill for sport or because I can. I kill to survive and then, only then, do I take the life of someone such as He! Whether it be in retribution or salvation it carries little weight with me. What will be will be.

But, I digress in my tale. Perhaps it is because I do not know the end of this particular story. Or maybe I pause to wonder if I should tell the end before it has been played out for all to share.

< As I contemplate whether to continue or not I am aware of the clock ticking like sand within my hourglass falling faster, it would seem, on a life that is about to end >

I shall tell you this much and no more for now. “The Devil You Know” is indeed someone you know. He is the neighbor that moved in next-door a few months back, seemingly nice and very well mannered. He is the deliveryman who comes to your house twice a week bringing you fresh milk from the dairy. He is the pharmacist you have had for years, same pharmacy, same location. You speak to Him several times a week and exchange pleasantries here and there.

The Devil is someone you know, my darlings.

And soon …

He may be coming for you!

<Stands and turns to look at you, fangs descended and bloody, letting the body fall to the floor>

This particular Devil was known as Travis Wheeler, you need not fear him any more.


(I would like to credit @Jasper_Vampluvr for the writing of her story on Twitter of the evil Travis Wheelr and @sookiesback for allowing me to use her photogragh of the street signs - Thanks Ladies}


Posted via web from Lady Celeste