The incoming messages from the Transportation Companies Bastiaan hired to pick up and deliver our vehicles and ‘his’ Bambini’s are coming in. Soon, everything will be here including our daughter Robin and Lizzie with the Estates horses. I can not begin to explain the elation I feel at everything that has transpired in such a few short months.
From the news that Ken and Claire became engaged, then eloped to our visit with Dawn and Chris that has now turned into this permanent venture, my heart and soul feel complete. The other evening we received a gift from Richard in regards to allowing Trent to become our wolf. My bond with him started almost a year ago and now includes Bastiaan as well. The three of us have bonded in such a special way that we only needed Richard’s understanding to make it complete. *smiles lovingly* That we received 2 nights ago.
Pour tout ce que le monde croit que cette âme d’être maudit et sombre, je peux vous dire ceci. Mon âme est remplie de la lumière de l’amour, les amis et la famille que je ne savait jamais existé dans ma vie comme un mortel. Je suis au-delà des mots pour parler ou écrire à une telle bénédiction que remplir mon immortalité.
To each and every one of you, Friends and Family: Thank you for all your love and support.
Je t’aime. Vous êtes ma lumière, mon amour et mon monde … Celeste
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